Nintendo DS
World Ends with You, The

Votes: 67
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Reviewer: Rotary Date: Mar 12, 2023
The World Ends With You is my favorite game of all time.

Graphics: 10
The graphics are sprite based, sure, but they have a lot of detail for what they are, and a very distinct art style really makes them shine.

Sound: 10
The soundtrack from this game is amazing. I actually own most of the soundtrack CDs from this game, including the one from the spin off tribute band that Ishimoto put together, and they never disappoint. I know people who don't usually LISTEN TO MUSIC who've played this game for a few hours and still have this soundtrack in their heads because it was so memorable.

Gameplay: 8
It might not be for everyone given that the combat takes place across two screens (although there is an autopilot for the top screen you can turn on), but if you can get the hang of the combat system and stat boosting food and threads (gear), then you can have a lot of fun with it despite the unconventional combat system.

Overall: 10
There's nowhere to talk about the story, so I'll just mention it here: The story is amazing. It genuinely changed my life when I first played this game, and it's very tightly written, with good pacing and not many unanswered questions that aren't just outside the game's scope.

I highly recommend this game, either on the DS or one of the places it's been ported to.