Streets of Rage 2

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Reviewer: ReesesInPieces Date: Nov 22, 2022
Streets of Rage 2 is one of the very best games the Genesis has to offer, standing alongside the likes of the Genesis Sonic Games and dwarfing its predecessor in nearly every way. With multiple playable characters, newly integrated special moves, and a sizeable upgrade in graphics and sound, you should play this game right now and I'm here to tell you why.

Graphics: 10
Streets of Rage 2 was 4 times as large as the first game, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the graphics department. Gone are the tiny characters from the first game, now every character is massive and impressively detailed. Even ordinary grunts, like Galsia and Donovan, look infinitely better than their prequel counterparts. Stages are beautiful and expressively detailed, with many small details for perceptive players. The UI is simple, clean, and tells you what you need to know.
The playable characters have no sprite that looks out of place and are all clearly distinguishable.

Sound: 10
In terms of music, no description is needed. Yuzo Koshiro and Motohiro Kawashima's legendary soundtrack speaks for itself.

Sound effects all sound nice and crunchy, and it feels oh-so-satisfying hearing the impact of your punches, kicks, and beatdowns. The voice lines in this game are actually audible (which is a feat in and of itself if I say so myself), and don't sound out of place. It's hard to believe that sound this good and satisfying could come out of a Sega Genesis.

Gameplay: 9
A big chunk of the game's gameplay is based around Streets of Rage 1, but now, it feels so much better. There's no delay when you jump anymore, making the action feel more comfortable to use. There are now 3 types of jumping attacks, with different advantages for each one, and more types of throws are available for all playable characters. The biggest change comes in the form of the special move system, offering a powerful attack activated by pressing forward-forward-attack (which is really fun to mix into basic combos), and 2 attacks that take a small chunk of the player's health to dish out unparalleled damage and I-frames aplenty. These attacks are also UNIQUE TO EVERY PLAYABLE CHARACTER, which offers more incentive to try them all out. The only gripe I have with the gameplay is that if you are carrying a weapon when you initiate a throw, you drop the weapon and it loses some of its durability. I hypothesize it could have been added to be more realistic, but when realism starts to change already solid gameplay, that's when it becomes annoying (at least for me).

Overall: 10
I've said all I need to say. Streets of Rage 2 is a fantastic game and you should be playing it right now. Even if you've already played it. Play it again.


Reviewer: Chris "ReapeR" Date: Jan 10, 2006
Streets of Rage 2 is the game that started it all for me when i was a kid. Nothing but action for me.

Graphics: 9
Streets of Rage 2 is a game that has Bright colors and well design levels. Very well programed. It's characters move very well on screen and there are hardly any slow downs.

Sound: 8
The themes of this game are very well indeed. It's jazz and techno music is put into the perfect stages. The boss theme gets kind of boring after the first 2 stages.

Gameplay: 10
This game is very well set up. The stages and bosses in the game are at the right places and are challenging. It may take a while before you can master the games and make it to last boss on hard difficulty.

Overall: 9
Great gameply, music, and graphics. This game has almost all the right elements, but one. It could have been a little longer.

Street of Rage 2 is a must play game.