PlayStation 3
Armored Core: For Answer

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Reviewer: Ender Date: May 11, 2023
ACFA is the direct sequel to AC4 and the second directorial work from Hidetaka Miyazaki of Souls fame. ACFA is the culmination and refinement of ideas introduced in AC4, which features high-speed mech combat with a greater emphasis on customization.

Graphics: 7
The graphics are rather minimalist with a flat, almost HDR-like look to them. There are saturated colors here and there, but the bloom and muted colors are in line with many PS3-era games. The mechs and all of their parts are finely detailed, but the environments are a bit drab-looking. That being said, the dilapidated world speaks to the lore of a ruined Earth, which puts your actions in context. Old buildings buried in sand crumble on impact, but the geometry and physics aren't anything to write home about.

Sound: 9
Sound design specifically deserves a high mark. With a 5.1 or above surround sound system or even headphones, you can pinpoint opponent locations with audio cues, which adds to the dimensional combat. The SFX is quite snappy; many weapons are just passing but some pack a punch, and the sound design illustrates the difference between weapon types such as guns, cannons, missiles, and energy weapons. The soundtrack is a unique mix of rock, techno, and orchestral, and while some songs aren't my cup of tea, the key moments are superb.

Gameplay: 9
ACFA is peak Armored Core. It carries on the legacy of speed and mobility from AC4, but this time with a lot more parts, and in doing so allows for a massive variety of playstyles. The gameplay loop of Armored Core lies in experimentation, in understanding what part does what, and in the freedom of experimentation and customization. It is not an "out of box" experience like Zone of the Enders is, but rather a large case of LEGOs to snap together at your whims. How well your mech controls is entirely up to you, and thus you are in charge of how you perform. You can opt for a lightweight build, dashing to and fro with guns and energy blades, or you could be a quad-leg sniper, or a tank. Often times there is a right build for the right mission, not a one-size-fits-all. The challenge in each mission presented to you is a way of testing your creativity and skills.

Overall: 9
This is *the* Armored Core game to play for the 4th generation, and in my opinion the one to play for the entirety of the PS3 era (4 games total). Despite its speed and mobility being a huge departure from other AC games, this one is unique in its combination of ideas, challenge, and player freedom. The game lore is more interesting in your head once you start noticing its subtleties, told in sparse dialogue lines, pilot and even parts descriptions---the presentation here however is somewhat lacking because of the mission-based gameplay system and loop. Even with its shortcomings this is fantastic game and a wonderful experience.