Super Mario Galaxy

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Reviewer: Anonymous Date: Jan 17, 2023
Probably one of the best platformers ever made, and my favorite game of all time. This is one of those titles that are very hard to put down or not want to 100% the main game. It's filled with so much charm and life that it's any wonder why it's so highly regarded.

Alright, biases and nostalgic memories are done and over lmao

Graphics: 9
Visually, it's a Wii game. Not the most impressive visually, but with how it looked and ran on its native hardware, I feel this game's art style is a real testament to how visuals can make even the most underpowered games out there look incredible. It's no eye candy or down to the very last pore in terms of detail, but it's still visually appealing, and many of the cutscenes, levels, and scenery are just astounding, ethereal, and beautiful.

Sound: 10
Mario games have always been about iconic sounds and this one's no different. The sound of a launch star flinging you across space, the satisfying sound of clicking something with the cursor or getting a power star. Everything from a simple click of a starbit to the power up jingles are incredible. A lot of the sound effects though are definitely helped by the garbage Wiimote speaker, which as low quality and gimmicky as it may be, has a lot of charm you can't get elsewhere.

Soundtrack is also incredible. Koji Kondo and the other composers credited did not miss with this one. Practically every track is memorable and unique in their own right that a good portion of the OST will be looping in your head.

Gameplay: 9
Always loved how linear yet free-feeling galaxy 1 felt as a game. You may have been limited in some aspects, but having a choice of where you wanted to go and what you wanted to do at any given time at the hub or level selection was a nice bonus to Mario's otherwise straightforward formula with the more linear titles. It adds some depth that is much needed. While later games definitely perfected Mario's moveset, this one still has some fun to be had. Spinning, long jumping, triple jumping, the likes all feel very fluid and nice to maneuver with. There are definitely some unfun or boring levels here and there, but a good portion of the galaxies in this game and their episodes all feel unique, charming, and memorable.

Overall: 10
Ok, maybe I did let my biases guide me a bit and the nostalgia is definitely there, but I beg you just play it to see for yourself. It's definitely not perfect, it has its flaws, and I totally get where some may think it's weaker to other titles in the series and as a game. But I feel like that's the magic of Super Mario Galaxy 1 compared to its successors and predecessors. It's got its own identity that no other, not even its sequel, can capture and replicate. It's a timeless classic that I can't recommend enough.

Oh yeah and uh, be careful once purple coin levels show up. And do know that there's more than 100 coins on the Luigi's Purple Coins star in toytime galaxy. It'll save you a headache or two :P


Reviewer: Comrade Stalin Date: Jun 24, 2019
One of the greatest games ever made plagued with controls that are not so great.

Graphics: 9
In 1080p, this game still holds up and look absolutely fantastic. Beautiful lighting and some really good textures.

Sound: 10
One of the best OSTs of any game, featuring tons of orchestral tracks that fit each galaxy perfectly. The hub world's music changes as you progress in the story, too.

Gameplay: 7
See, here's where the problems start popping up.
1) some levels are stupid hard and some are way too easy
2) you're using one analog stick in a 3d space...
3) when going around small planets, you'll start running in circles on the edges sometimes
But still, this game is incredibly fun
1) the stars feel rewarding to get
2) the hub is awesome
3) there are so many different galaxies with unique mechanics and power-ups

Overall: 9
Again; yeah, it's got its problems, but the good far outbalances the bad. I'm not sure what else to say. It's really an experience to play and I'd strongly suggest you do.

better than Mario Galaxy 2