Super Paper Mario

Votes: 90
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Reviewer: Rexius55 Date: Dec 9, 2022
This game was part of what made my childhood and pushed me to begin working towards a career in game development. I adore this game despite its flaws. Every NPC, every dimension, every item, every piece of dialogue, doesn't matter, I absolutely love this game and always have.

Graphics: 9
The graphics in this game are fantastic! The improvement on TTYD's visual style is incredibly clear, and the blending of 2D sprites and 3D objects looks great! Of course, there's the issue of the Wii's crust since Nintendo refused HDMI for many iterations of the Wii, but even with that, the game looks amazingly good even to this day!

Sound: 10
The sound design in SPM is incredible! Every song is memorable and catchy, and the sound effects give a feeling of warmth whenever they pop up. At first, the text box sound can be irritating, but as you play the game more, I'm sure you'll warm up to it! The sadness and tragedy invoked with some of the songs is jaw-droppingly good, and the sound effects have become somewhat iconic around the internet. The subtle ambience in each of the levels is also fantastic, really adding to each setting!

Gameplay: 9
Controversial opinion, but I actually enjoy SPM's gameplay! Of course I have to acknowledge the elephant in the room; the game is incredibly easy and can get repetitive. But even then there are a lot of times where I thoroughly enjoyed just sitting back, zoning out and experiencing the platforming that's unique to this entry of the Paper Mario series. The UI is fantastic, the controls are pretty smooth, and the Pixl system that replaces the partner system is pretty sick! The collectibles, although a bit repetitive, are pretty fun to collect and look at!

Overall: 9
Even though I love this game, I've got to admit it's not even close to perfect. The graphical limits of the Wii and the easiness/strangeness of the gameplay can put a dim on the fun if you pay attention to them too much. But if you're willing to sit back, relax, and look at everything the game has to offer, I'm sure you'll find that it's one hell of an experience, and especially considering the story, this game is still somewhat of a masterpiece!

P.S. The story will make you come to close to crying if not bawl.