PlayStation 3
Dark Souls

Votes: 89
Reviews: 2

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Reviewer: Cole A Date: Oct 6, 2022
I've beaten Dark Souls probably about 30 times, I do challenge runs and I love this game so much. I was checking out DS2 on Vimm so I figured I'd review this classic. Like the guy above me says, a lot of people avoid from soft games because they're "hard" but they're just challenging. DS1 is honestly the easiest entry in the souls catalog.

Graphics: 7
The graphics have aged decently. On console this game has horrible FPS issues in certain areas though. Some areas of the game are genuinely beautiful, such as Ash Lake, Darkroot Basin, Anor Londo. Other areas were rushed late in the game's development making them ugly to put it bluntly. Lost Izaleth and the area before Crystal Caves are fairly ugly sceneries. The enemies all have cool designs and animations as well.

Sound: 9
The sound is top-notch. The whamming of weapons, blacksmiths beating on anvils, spell casting, and enemy noises are all what you would expect. The music is also incredible when it actually plays at places like Firelink Shrine and the final boss fight.

Gameplay: 9
Dark Souls gameplay can be hard to grasp, but once you get it it's like crack. No other game series provides it. Any enemy can pose a major threat, and an inexperienced player will get destroyed at first. But this game has a really rewarding difficulty curve. As you learn enemy placements and boss patterns, it's easy for a casual player to get a better speedrun without even knowing true strats (like myself). The PC version has mods such as item randomizer that will make playthroughs have different item locations every time. Even without these mods to make the game endlessly replayable, the player can still challenge themselves by placing restrictions like no leveling or no healing. The game's incredible on first playthrough and has great replayability.

Overall: 9
I would give Dark Souls an 8.5 if vimm had halfway ratings. This game was a 9 before I played Dark Souls III, but DSIII is the superior title out of all the souls games. Dark Souls did popularize the series for good reason, and Dark Souls perfected the Demon Souls formula by removing annoyances and creating one of the best game maps ever constructed. This game and its series are a treat.


Reviewer: Levi Date: Aug 9, 2022
Many claim that they will never play this game simply because of how "hard" it is. Though this game is excruciatingly difficult at times, it is without a doubt, fair in every way, and an amazing and beautiful game.

Graphics: 7
A game's overall appeal is not simply defined by it's graphical capabilities, but its story and gameplay and overall heart the developers put in. Though with that said, this game looks quite fine. Even if you are not a fan of how it looks, you shouldn't put that above story and gameplay

Sound: 7
Being on the Playstation 3, this game's sound is quite compressed and crunchy sounding. But, you will be able to figure out what the sound you're hearing is, it's not that bad. The game also supplies subtitles in case you need them.

Gameplay: 10
The gameplay in this masterpiece of a game is fantastic and exhilarating. That rush you feel when you finally beat that boss, or when you find the correct path to proceed. There is not only amazing combat, but also beautiful exploration in a large fantastical world.

Overall: 10
Its graphics are nothing to whine about, and neither is the sound. The gameplay is simply amazing and so is the story. You are truly missing out if you refuse to play this game simply because of it's difficulty. It's only hard if you make it hard, as the game is completely fair. If you are truly too put off by the graphics, go buy the remastered version on Steam because without a doubt, this game is a masterpiece! And everyone who is everyone should play it!

This game has inspired many throughout the day. You know you've done well when your game starts a whole new genre of games. Truly, truly, great.