Kirby Air Ride

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Reviewer: EJ Date: Feb 3, 2023
One of my favorite games of all time. It's hard not to be biased when I have so many memories attached to it. So I won't even try to be objective here; that said, I really do think that the City Trial mode has aged fairly well.

Graphics: 9
Air Ride's graphics have always reminded me of TLOZ Wind Waker's. Cartoony, colorful, little to no outlines (apart from items). The stage designs, especially in the Air Ride and City Trial modes, are pretty varied and playful. There is some redundancy, but that's to be expected at some point, especially in an older Kirby game. Disregarding that though, the style suits the game's atmosphere so well. It's very cute and easy on the eyes without being boring or too mature for the Kirby universe.

Sound: 10
The soundtrack is so good, as you'd expect from a Kirby game. Every stage has its own, City Trial has two + event-specific tracks. They're all very fitting, some playful, some intense, some dark. The sound effects are also cute -- my only issue is that Kirby doesn't have voice lines. But I've survived the past 20 years without Kirby voice lines in Kirby Air Ride, so it's okay.

Gameplay: 9
Took off a point because as a racing game, Kirby Air Ride isn't the best, and that's primarily what it was marketed as (I assume), given that the Air Ride game mode focuses only on racing. Same goes for the second mode, Top Ride, which I've never really enjoyed. The former focuses on well-crafted maps, and you get to choose between all the vehicles except for the Orange Warp Star, as far as I remember. The latter instead throws you in smaller maps, which are just as well-designed, yet to me, feel lackluster. On top of that, you only get to pick between two exclusive vehicles.

HOWEVER. City Trial mode. I have spent hundreds of hours on that. It's so simple, yet so much fun: you collect items during a free-for-all in the city, grab a vehicle, and when the timer runs out, you face off against everybody else in a minigame -- most of which will focus on one or two stats that can be improved (or lowered) during the city phase.

Overall: 10
I am a huge fan of this game. Since I was 5, I've been hoping Nintendo would release Kirby Air Ride 2. It's never going to happen. I even designed vehicles I wanted for the sequel, and they were ugly as hell cause I was a little kid. It's a very simple game -- obviously not the kind of thing you'll open up if you feel like playing something high-energy or strategic in any way -- but perfect to wind down and have a chill time with friends.

Or a less chill one, if you start bombing them unprovoked in City Trial.


Reviewer: BC Date: Sep 5, 2018
hi! :D

I'm BC, I played this game a while ago i decided to review it.

Graphics: 8
The graphics in this game are downright great, every model looks really outstanding and its just a joy to look at. The stages are filled with lots of details and its just lovely.

Sound: 10
I love the music in this game. I adore it. All of the osts in this game are catchy and memorable. Please take a listen to them, they're really the best.

Gameplay: 9
The gameplay is amazing, to the controls, the 3 different modes, the stages, everything! The copy abilitys really add a lot to the game, and so does the health bar! City Trial is also a fan-favorite. You go around for five minutes boosting your stats, and when the timer is up, you do some sort of challenge and try to win it! It's just really fun to play!

Overall: 9
I really recommend this game, its really fun and a good game to play! You can also play with 4 people! The only thing keeping this from a 10 is that, the invisible walls are really annoying to me. When youre gliding on whatever vehicle, its kinda annoying to bump into an invisible wall and lose all your momentum. I also would of liked a way to drop your copy ability. But the good really outweighs the bad.

Please play this game, its a whole of a lot fun.